For the community

Category: For the community

technology without obstacles

All people deserve to enjoy their every moment to the fullest. Technology can liberate us and give us endless possibilities for a life without obstacles and limitations. At the same time, hundreds of devices and countless of characteristics for every need and preference are becoming the greatest ally in the

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With ‘Prattein’ we are showing our philosophy on a better life for the whole of society through everyone’s active participation. We gather together all the actions we implement for society as a whole, from simply sponsoring a foundation, to our largest volunteer action, the ‘Good Deed Day’! In that framework,

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Supporting NGOs

Στο πλαίσιο της πλατφόρμας εταιρικής υπευθυνότητας «Πράττειν» της ΚΩΤΣΟΒΟΛΟΣ, η εταιρία έχει επιλέξει τη σταθερή συνεργασία με τέσσερις Μη Κυβερνητικές Οργανώσεις οι οποίες αποτελούν και τους βασικούς κοινωνικούς εταίρους της.

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second home

‘A washing machine may become too small for a family that has gained another member, however it might be large enough for a family that washes clothes by hand”. The ‘Second Home for the appliance you don’t need’ programme was created with the through that an old appliance that still

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