Kotsovolos provides services in Sign Language

Kotsovolos provides services in Sign Language

‘Technology Without Obstacles’ means service without limitations!

Kotsovolos, in the framework of the ‘Technology Without Obstacles’ initiative and its promise to provide equal access opportunities to solutions that empower each person individually, is taking its next step forward, by providing services in sign language. For the first time, services can be provided to people who are deaf or hard of hearing in sign language.

For Kotsovolos, ‘Technology Without Obstacles’ means service without limitations! So, through kotsovolos.gr, anyone interested can communicate with one of the certified and suitably trained members of the Kotsovolos team, and receive any service they require in the world of technology. With this pioneering capability, the company is empowering all people to live a better life with technology.

The sign language service option is available in the chat box: https://www.kotsovolos.gr/